Most of us experience acne to some extent during our lives. For many people it is a short-term annoyance, but others develop more long-term and more severe acne.

Acne occurs when one of the skin´s natural oils – sebum – is unable to leave the skin because the hair follicle is blocked. This may result in a blackhead, or a whitehead, and can lead to the growth of bacteria below the surface of the skin. Inflammation can occur, and the rupture of an inflamed area can lead to scarring.

Medication can help to reduce acne, but the AW3® procedure in combination with prescription medication has been clinically proven to accelerate the healing process for acne.

How does the AW3® system work for Acne?

The AW3® treatment works by directing well-controlled pulses of light into the upper skin layer. The light is absorbed by the body’s own natural chemical – haemoglobin – in the blood vessels that feed the sebaceous glands. The AW3® treatment works by reducing the blood supply to the sebaceous gland, which slows down production of the body oil sebum.

The haemoglobin converts the light energy into heat, which damages the walls of the vessels supplying blood to the glands. This technique has the name “Selective Photothermolysis”.

The visible light produced by the AW3® systems is carefully controlled to produce the correct pulse length and right amount of energy to reduce the acne without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Who can be treated?

Anyone with acne who wants clearer looking skin! If you have permanent acne you will benefit from this treatment. The best results are achieved on inflammatory acne – best known as those red, aching, raised pimples.

What skin types can we treat?

The AW3® ND YAG Q-switch technology can treat all skin types as long as you are in good health and do not have hypo/hyper- pigmentation, tanned or Keloid scarring in your family or personal history.

Does it hurt?

Although the AW3® technology produces less pain than most systems on the market, tolerance to pain varies from individual. No anaesthetics are required, and many patients describe the discomfort as a warming sensation similar to the feeling after a day on the beach.

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People Say

After many years sun worshiping, I was left with unsightly pigmentation on my forehead which got worse each year. I’ve had 4 sessions now and it’s nearly gone. I feel like my skin has been re-would 10 years.